The Missing (Beta) Link

Remixed by Beta Link
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Yes, I went with a funny remix name. _’ I didn’t spend nearly as much time
on this as with The 90s (which should also have been included in the update,
if not, then sorry.) and Howell DXi, but I’m still very fond of it.
Basically, it’s a remake of the 1963 Derbyshire theme, with some nods toward Howell’s
theme. It was made mostly on GMedia’s Minimonsta, which is a VST Mini Moog.
The only 2 things I’ve ripped from any Who theme are (obviously) the scream
and sting effects. I was going to make this part of my own rendition of Gold’s
version, but i just ended up with an “3pic ph4i1”. :P But who knows? Maybe
one day I’ll do something that’s actually original and sounds good. Enjoy.

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