Remixes by Marinedalek

If you like Marinedalek's mixes or have constructive criticism, please leave feedback online or try emailing the remixer using the online form.

Posted Remix (click for details) Genre Length Downloads Comments D/L
2005.05.22 Derbyshire 1980 - Confidential Mix electronic 0:26 30854 0
2005.04.09 Derbyshire 1980 - Opening Mix electronic 0:46 42148 0
2005.04.02 Band Aid humour,electronic 1:10 43428 0
2005.05.07 Derbyshire 1980 - Closing Mix electronic 1:13 28762 0
2004.12.17 CS-80 Variation electronic 1:36 27113 0
2004.04.17 Wanderers in the Fourth Dimension electronic 2:12 42142 0
2005.04.06 Derbyshire 1980 electronic 2:20 42475 0
2004.04.30 Synth Experience 1 & 2 electronic 2:21 40221 0
2004.04.24 Revenge of the Synthesiser electronic 2:24 38490 0
2004.12.20 Wanderers in the 5th Dimension electronic 2:27 28799 0
2005.03.29 In the Image of Gold soundtrack 2:28 49098 0
2005.10.25 Round Our Keff techno 2:37 55836 0
2004.05.24 Howells in the Night electronic 2:45 40438 0
2013.11.26 Howell's Odyssey electronic 3:13 17562 0